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A very prickly nursery


Updated: Dec 6, 2020

Want to know one of my favorite things, since becoming a parent? Seeing how everyone decorates their nurseries. I feel like each design I see is so unique and does things I might not have ever thought to do.

So, I thought I’d share with you how we decided to decorate our little prickle’s room.

If you read about our gender reveal, then you read earlier on that we deemed the cactus as Addison’s spirit plant (is that a thing? Let’s make it a thing.). Honestly, a cactus is my spirit plant too, because I’m a little rough around the edges, and I thought, surely, there’s no way she doesn’t get at least a little of that from me.

And so, I dreamt up a prickly nursery.

It all started with this hamper. This hamper is from Pottery Barn Teen and was spotted by Brittany. I knew as soon as I saw it, that I had to have it. And so, the nursery design took shape around this hamper.

Side note: this hamper is no longer available, which is a huge bummer, BUT they do have a few other ones that are super cute like a fox, an ice cream cone and an owl.

Isn’t it funny how that happens? You find one piece that serves as your inspiration or cornerstone and everything else comes from that?

I took my time with decorating Addison’s room and put together a vision board as I found pieces that I liked. If I liked it enough to HAVE to have it, I would buy it. If I wasn’t sure or wanted to see how it would look as a whole, I would add it to my vision board and watit to decide until I had it all a little more put together.

Once I felt like my vision was complete, I “submitted” it to Michael and then to Brittany (but only after the gender reveal so as not to ruin the surprise), to make sure they thought everything worked together. If you know me, you know I have trouble making design decisions totally independently, so it really helped to have other people tell me if they liked (or didn’t like) what I was picking out.

So, without further ado, here is my little prickle’s nursery, equipped with one of our dogs, Pepper, and the beginnings of a mess from some hard playing at hand:

What do you guys think? I love it. But I designed it, so I think that's to be expected.

We got Addison's crib and rug from Wayfair. Do you love that online store as much as I do? I could spend hoooours on their site redecorating my house.

The piece above Addison's bed is something I saw (again) from Pottery Barn. But this time, I couldn't bring myself to spend the money on it that they had it listed for, AND it would've shown up after Addison was born. Which in hindsight, would have been fine, since she didn't sleep in her own room for a long time. But I was nesting and just needed to get it checked off of my list. So, instead of purchasing it, I bought the main wooden bead piece from Hobby Lobby, took the clothes pins off that it came with, found different yarn colors I liked and had myself a little DIY-er. I think it looks pretty similar and I love the way it ties in the blush pink rocker.

Also... Can you spy the cactus sheets on the bed? We got those from Buy Buy Baby, and got the matching print for her changing table. (Please excuse the dog hair, that's just our life.)

If you know me then you also know I am obsessed with the color blush. I think it might be the color I have most of in my own closet. So, as soon as we found out we were having a girl, I found myself having blush dreams. This rocker from Target is exactly what blush dreams are made of. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it. It was the third piece I bought (hamper first, crib next, rocker third). And it showed up before the gender reveal (aaaand I also don't know how to not put things together and get them set up immediately), so we had to keep the nursery door locked and sealed until after the reveal.

I knew that I was going to want to kick my feet up, since the chair didn't recline, so I got the faux fur ottoman from Wayfair. The side table (which looks like it's not an option to purchase anymore) also came from Wayfair and is the perfect spot for a phone, a snack, a bottle or a book for bedtime.

My mom found the wall hanging at a Fort Worth yard sale and repainted it to match our nursery color scheme. I knew it would be the perfect spot to hang all of Addison's bows.

We blacked the HECK out of her room. I got a gold double curtain rod from Amazon with light beige black out curtains to go behind the decorative tassel ones from Wayfair (also no longer available).

(I also have black paper blinds that clip up when you're not using them. I'm not joking when I say that I mean BUSINESS when it comes to baby sleep.)

Addison's changing area might be one of my favorite parts of her room, solely for the wall pieces that we found from At Home (follow your heart) and Hobby Lobby (cactus).

Her dresser came from....surprise! Wayfair and her little diaper pail, which I LOVE, came from Buy Buy Baby.

Addison's bookshelf is another favorite. We got the "choose adventure" sign well before we were pregnant and thought it was a perfect thing to encourage Addison to do (safely), so we added it to her nursery. We added faux cactus plants from Hobby Lobby, a Hatch Baby sound machine and personal pictures to the top shelf (peep baby me on the left with a head full of black hair!).

Addison clearly loves this area too. It's where she goes first when we are in her room. I really love how much she loves her books. Watching her "read" is something I will never get tired of.

So, there it is guys! Our nursery and all of it's prickly details.

What was your nursery inspiration? What's your favorite part?


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